How Do You Solve a Punctuation Puzzle?
I recently had the chance to lurk during a heated debate about the use of the apostrophe– I know, I know, that may not count as “heated” where you come from, but among some English teachers and writing coaches, these things matter more than the Super Bowl and World Series combined. I’ll add another post […]
Mystery & Imagination Bookshop, Glendale, California
Catching up…. Back in October, Will Vaus and I were featured speakers at a book signing at the Mystery and Imagination Bookshop in Glendale, California. Local signings can be particularly energetic, and this event was no exception. Josh Long, a Tolkien scholar and teacher at a near-by high school, […]
Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Harrisonburg, Virginia
On April 9th, I had the pleasure of meeting with the Harrisonburg C. S. Lewis Society at their local Barnes & Noble. The group, founded by Will Vaus, was attentive and lively– we had a terrific evening. I enjoyed the fact that this Barnes & Noble did not shove the group off into a little […]
Writers Track at CSLF Conference
Plans are taking shape for the C. S. Lewis Foundation’s Regional Retreat, October 30-November 1, in Navasota Texas. It will be a celebration of creativity and community, and this year for the first time it will feature a two- day writers track. Watch the website for details: Whe