Colored Staples
Sometimes “inspiring creative connections” is nothing more than sharing the way that something very small and particular can light up your day. Here ya go: Blog: Jeri’s Organizing & Decluttering News Post: The Little Things: Colorful Staples Link:
(hat tip to Michael Ward) The name of this blog is QWERTY– because the image of individual typewriter keys working together to produce something great speaks to me of creativity in community. I also love the combination of sound and touch and sight that comes together when the type-writing is going well. So I was […]
What’s Happening in Aslan’s Country did a nice job describing the C.S. Lewis Literary Festival, coming up this October in Petoskey, Michigan. Take a look:
Interview on Mars Hill
Several years ago, I did an interview about Lewis and Tolkien for the Mars Hill Audio Journal. The folks at Mars Hill make it easy to purchase the MP3, CD, or cassette of this interview and others. It’s a wonderful resource. Here’s a link:
Meditation on Genesis One
My church asked me to write and record a short video giving some thoughts on Genesis One. Here is the text of my talk: Genesis 1 for Glenkirk Church August 2010 When I look at the first few chapters of Genesis, I like to pretend that I am Steven Spielberg, I like to think about […]