Diana Glyer Credentials
Dr. Diana Pavlac Glyer, Ph.D., teaches in the Honors College at Azusa Pacific University in Southern California.
She is an award-winning writer whose research focuses on C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Inklings. The Company They Keep (2008) offers an in-depth account of how encouragement, praise, criticism, and conflict shaped their fellowship and their books. Bandersnatch (2016) explains what we can learn from their example. Her work as a teacher, author, artist, and speaker circles back to one common theme: Creativity thrives in Community.
Ph.D. in English (Language, Literacy, and Rhetoric) from The University of Illinois at Chicago
Residential Post-Grad Program in Composition Theory from Purdue University
Residential Post-Grad Program in History of Rhetoric University of New Hampshire
M. S. in Education (Curriculum Design) from Northern Illinois University
B. A. in English Literature and Fine Arts (Ceramics and Sculpture) from Bowling Green State University
B. S. in English Education and Art Education from Bowling Green State University
Work Experience:
Professor, The Honors College
Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, California.
Assistant Professor of English
College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, Missouri.
Director: Writing Center Director and Instructor
North Park University, Chicago, Illinois.
Books (written, edited, co-edited, & forthcoming):
A Writer’s Circle: 7 Ways a Writing Group will Bring your Creative Vision to Life. Book IV in the Writer’s Foundation Series.(2025)
A Writer’s Remedy: 31 Days to Beat Writer’s Block and Get Back on Track. Book III in the Writer’s Foundation Series. (2025)
A Writer’s Priorities: 8 Questions to Improve Anything You Write. Book II in the Writer’s Foundation Series. (2024)
A Writer’s Process: Five Steps to Take Your Writing from Blank Page to Finished Manuscript. Book I in the Writer’s Foundation Series. (2024)
The Major and the Missionary: The Letters of Warren Hamilton Lewis and Blanche Biggs (2023)
Journey Back Again: Reasons to Revisit Middle-earth Second Edition (2022)
A Compass for Deep Heaven: Navigating the C. S. Lewis Ransom Trilogy (2021)
Barro en Las Manos Del Alfarero: Segunda Edicion (2020)
Clay in the Potter’s Hands WORKBOOK/Barro en Las Del Alfaro LIBRO de TRABAJO: English/Spanish Edition (2020)
Clay in the Potter’s Hands WORKBOOK (2020)
Bandersnatch: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings (2016)
Clay in the Potter’s Hands (2010)
The Company They Keep: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community (2007)
The Liberal Arts in Higher Education (1998)
Three Films (on-screen expert):
A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War (in process). Eastgate Creative.
The Science-Fiction Makers: Rousseau, Lewis, and L’Engle. (2021). Refuge31.
Mere Christianity: Book Three.” Discussing Mere Christianity: Exploring the History, Meaning, and Relevance of C. S. Lewis’s Greatest Book (2015). HarperCollins/Zondervan
Milestone Events:
Invited Plenary Lecture: “Intellectual Hospitality Part II: Hope for Those Who are Tired of All the Fighting.” The C.S. Lewis Summer Institute. Oxford, England. (2022).
Interview: “The Hospitable Imagination.” C.S. Lewis & Kindred Spirits Society (Virtual). Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. Iasi, Romania. Interviewed by Kirsten Jeffrey Johnson. (2021)
Interview: “The Inklings, Creativity, & Community with Diana Glyer.” The Trinity Forum. Interviewed by Cherie Harder. (2021)
Invited Plenary Lecture: “C.S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and the Inklings.” C. S. Lewis International Symposium, Presbyterian Heritage Center: Montreat, North Carolina. (2019)
Invited Plenary Lecture:: “C.S. Lewis at Table with Zeus and Dante: Pushing (Against) the Limits of Intellectual Hospitality.” The C. S. Lewis Summer Institute. Oxford, England. (2014)
Lilly Grant: Lilly Fellows Summer Seminar for College and University Teachers. “Teaching Peace and Reconciliation: Theory and Practice in Northern Ireland.” Corrymeela Centre for Peace and Reconciliation, Ballycastle, Northern Ireland, UK. (2012)
Invited Keynote Address: “C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Creative Imagination.” The Manthei Lecture, the Petoskey C. S. Lewis Literature Festival, North Central Michigan College, Petoskey, Michigan. (2010)
Invited Paper: “Warren Hamilton Lewis and His ‘American Lady.’” The Oxford C. S. Lewis Society, Pusey House, Oxford, England. (2009)

2019 Paul F. Ford Award for Excellence in C. S. Lewis Teaching and Scholarship
2014 Azusa Pacific University’s Teaching Excellence Award
2009 Scholar Guest of Honor for MythCon XL: The Annual Conference of the Mythopoeic Society. University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles
2008 Mythopoeic Society Scholarship Award in Inklings Studies
2008 Finalist, Hugo Award at Denvention 3, the 66th World Science Fiction Convention
2007 Imperishable Flame Award for Tolkien Studies, The North East Tolkien Society
2003 Azusa Pacific University’s Undergraduate Scholarly Achievement Award
2002 Azusa Pacific University's Chase Sawtell Inspirational Teaching Award
1997 Clyde S. Kilby Research Grant, the Marion E. Wade Center, Wheaton College
Books by Diana Pavlac Glyer